FIGO stadiëring

Pathologische prognostische factoren:

  1. Tumor graad 3 (poorly differentiated),
  2. Lymphovascular space invasion (LVSI),
  3. Non-endometrioid (=sereus, clear cell, ongedifferentieerd, kleincellig, anaplastisch),
  4. Cervical stromal involvement.

Low risk: geen van bovenstaande factoren.

Intermediate risk: 1 factor 

High risk: ≥2 factoren

Er wordt onderscheid gemaakt tussen het endometroid, sereus en clearcell endometriumcarcinoom. Daarnaast bestaan er ook mesenchymale tumoren van de uterus (leiomyosarcoom, zie behandeling als sarcoom) als ook gemengde tumoren van zowel mesenchymale als epitheliale origine zoals het carcinosarcoom (malignant mullerian mixed tumor) of adenosarcoom.

Vademecum Gynaecologische tumoren Endometriumcarcinoom



Lokaal irresectabel of gemetastaseerde ziekte


  1. Rose et al. Long-Term Follow-Up of a Randomized Trial Comparing Concurrent Single Agent Cisplatin, Cisplatin-Based Combination Chemotherapy, or Hydroxyurea During Pelvic Irradiation for Locally Advanced Cervical Cancer: A Gynecologic Oncology Group Study VOLUME 25 _ NUMBER 19 _ JULY 1 2007.
  2. Thomas Hogberg, Mauro Signorelli. Sequential adjuvant chemotherapy and radiotherapy in endometrial cancer - results from two randomised studies Eur J Cancer. 2010 September ; 46(13): 2422–2431.
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  4. S de Boer Adjuvant chemoradiotherapy versus radiotherapy alone in women with high-risk endometrial cancer (PORTEC-3): patterns of recurrence and post-hoc survival analysis of a randomised phase 3 trial Lancet Oncol 2019; 20: 1273–85.
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  6.  Colombo A, Creutzberd C, Amant F. ESMO-ESGO-ESTRO Consensus Conference on Endometrial cancer. Diagnosis, treatment and follow-up. Int J Gynecol Cancer. 2016. Jan;26(1):2­30.
  7. Van Weelden, Massuger, Pijnenborg. Anti-estrogen treatment in endometrial cancer. A systematic review: Front Oncol. 2019 may 7;9:359.
  8. Vandenput Weekly Paclitaxel-Carboplatin Regimen in Patients With Primary Advanced or Recurrent Endometrial Carcinoma Int J Gyn Cancer 2012.
  9.   Miller, Virginia, Mannel. Carboplatin and Paclitaxel for Advanced Endometrial Cancer: Final Overall Survival and Adverse Event Analysis of a Phase III Trial (NRG Oncology/GOG0209). J Clin Oncol. 2020 nov 20;38(33):3841-3580.

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